
Showing posts from November, 2018


Education "Children who spend time directly experiencing natural processes and materials are far more likely to grow into adults who care about the biosphere.They will have developed biophilia, love of life. However, these tendencies tend to atrophy if not fostered in childhood."  I didn't grow up on a farm or anything that had a diverse biosphere, relatively. I grew up in the suburbs of Stone Mountain, GA. My exposure to nature was actually through early years of playing outside, my family was fortunate to have a front and backyard big enough to play endless games of tag, hid and go seek, and most of all, a game the neighborhood kids favored, "Family". I game where we all assign familial roles. Being the oldest, I was constantly the mother or the auntie. Being that in our households, the mother cooked, I was the one collecting berries and worms and leaves. I interacted with all sorts of living and nonliving things, or "natural processes and materials&


Water "In many parts of the world, lack of access to clean water is the largest cause of disease transmission and, as a result, poverty." I was not aware that water had anything to do with poverty other than the fact that it is scarce. Now i know that the lack of clean water is a contributor to the transmission of disease. I did a little research and found that one billion people don't have access to clean water. That's nearly 1 out of 8 people worldwide. Access to clean water is one of the leading contributors to poverty. According to The Water Project, this is solvable. Without water, you cannot grow food; you cannot build houses; you cannot stay in school and you cannot work. Water is so essential and I'm beginning to realize how privileged I am to have accessible water. We cannot function without water. I now feel ashamed that I have not taken full advantage of the fact that I have water readily available. I should be more hydrated.  http://sncyear7g